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chaine de confort pand
Stránka 11

Autor:  MorganyElsie [ úte 01. zář 2020 10:51:11 ]
Předmět příspěvku:  chaine de confort pand

The fear that we must create the bracelet pandora essence values according to which we should act is a reason we have linked morality to religion for so long. People would be terrified knowing that their morality is entirely their responsibility, not written by a celestial hand against the rock of reality. If god wrote the rules, the rules would be perfect. Messing up means straying from god's rules. Now that the rules are written by us, messing up does not necessarily mean we have strayed but possibly that the rules themselves are wrong. We want certainty, so that we have something firm to stand on when we judge. Burning through these chains of religious imposed morality with Prometheus' fire, we fell into a reality burning from Pandora's aftermath. No doubt it was safer to be chained to that violent dogmatic creature called faith, but one must make the choice of being condemned to freedom or to be secured to delusion.

Human beings until then were only male  anthropoi  there were no women, the first one was yet to be born, yet to be created. And these human beings lived in perfect harmony among themselves, perfect peace and perfect concord with gods and nature. Life was a symphony and man did not have to work  the earth yielded whatever he needed and more, without sweat and toil. There existed no old age, no disease, no suffering, no pain, and nothing unpleasant ever happened  as in the satya yuga of India! Enter Prometheus, the titan who had immense love for bracelet pandora pas cher amazon men and wanted to do what is best for them. And when he heard about the feast, he slew an ox, as was common in ancient Greece, and divided the ox into two parts  one consisting of the most edible parts of the animal like its meat, muscles and fat and the other, just the bones.

Still not content with what he had done, his fury at the cheating still not appeased, Zeus took away fire from the earth  men would no more be chaine confort pandora able to cook food, but would now have to eat it raw. Titan Prometheus, with his cunning and his love for man, had an idea about this too. He wouldn't allow Zeus to punish man so cruelly for what was essentially his mistake. So what he did was to hide a spark of fire in a reed and bring it to the earth. For which blessing, humanity called him their savior, the fire-bringer. They could now eat cooked food, work with metals, bake earthenware, do all kinds of things with fire and thus have civilization. That was again an act that would not go unpunished by Zeus  Prometheus was given, as a punishment for his transgression of trying to benefit man once again, the most awful punishment imaginable perhaps, a brutal torment that would have no end and would go on and on.

An amazing creature that made them go dizzy, she would enter their homes, cunning, insidious, manipulative, treacherous, take over their hearts and make sure there was no peace there. She chaine de cheville pandora would create discord among them; would sow the seeds of jealousy, rivalry, disputes, conflict, dissonance, clashes, quarrels, discontent and greed. Her way would be seductive submissiveness. They wouldn't be able to do without her, they would so pang for her that separation from her even for a moment would be hell for them. And with her in their homes and hearts  from where she would rule over them, dictate to them what to do and what not to do, play with them as though they were mere puppets make them dance to her least wish and drive them insane, life would be hell again.

Zeus was not finished yet, so furious was he, he ordered the gods to bestow gifts upon her  all kinds of gifts: that is what Pandora means, pan meaning all, and dora meaning gift. These gifts were meant to punish man, turn the world evil, fill it with misery and agony and distance man forever from the gods and all that made life worth living. She would be beautiful beyond words, and for that reason men would crave her, and suffer endlessly for it. Man would no more be the simple man, but would be split into male and female, forever restless, forever seeking, forever crazy, forever driven to the unattainable, forever searching for the paradise lost. The last gift given to Pandora as ordered by Zeus was from Hermes, the heavenly thief. He gave her his thieving nature, the desire to exploit others, to steal what belongs to others, to live like a parasite without producing any food on her own unlike men who sweated in the fields in the sun and the rain, and in heat and cold, to plough the earth and sow seeds to produce yield from the earth, while she stayed home. Pandora brings with her all these "gifts" in a jar.

Her nose resembled a sesame flower and was so incredibly beautiful that it made one feel as though it was the beauty of her forehead melting and flowing down in such a wonderful shape. Her face reminded you of a golden lotus; and her rich, lush red lower lip, the ripe bimba gourd. Her two full breasts, thrusting upward as though they were trying to reach her lovely chin [pinottungau, chibuka? yatu? udyatau iva], her thin waist, broad hips, heavy thighs, lovely feet, all made her temptingly, irresistibly alluring. But of course, Kama, the god of desire and love, was yet to be born. So while Brahma, the prajapatis and the chaine de confort pandora manasaputras were all curious to know who she was and what her function in the process of creation would be, none of them lusted for her  at least not for now. And then, all of a sudden, without any warning, as they sat musing about Sandhya, there emerged from the mind of the Creator yet another being of great beauty  this time a male, of the complexion of gold dust, with a wide chest, long dark-blue hair, dancing eyes, young, tall, chest as wide as a Obrázek door plank, shoulders like those of a rogue elephant.

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